💕happy Valentine’s Day to the inventors of Love💕

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prompt: iconic or quotable moment
quick Spock Gun which still makes me scream laugh

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“Please Captain, Not in Front of the Klingons”

This weeks’s was to draw an iconic scene! I decided to redraw this scene with aos jim and spock 🥰🤗

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I had a page of sketches from earlier this year where I was practicing drawing Uhura, and considering how I could rework her TOS outfit to be more practical. So for this weeks I took those concepts and made a full redesign!

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[prompt: make ur own alien]

introducing: pinipidians!! they're an aquatic warp-capable (idk how they did it but yes bc i said so) civilization from planet argo. also theyre uhhhh 7 ft long

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week 1: draw yourself as an alien!! quick drawing of me as a vulcan

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me as a vulcan !! art challenge week 1 :)

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week 1 babey!!!!!! lets stick some trill spots on my big ass forehead !!!!

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