Today a little seriously, namely today I tried to reinterpret scene / emo (my spece) art style in my own way
I hope you like it ^^

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"love is in the air, I just gotta figure out a window to break out
buried alive inside my dreams, but it was all a fake out..."

36 132

Before the Trending Party ends, here is a crossover art of Da Vinci and Smeargle from Pokémon promoting the show with a little art! ^^

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Since it's Mother's day in the UK, I thought I'd post this image and commissioned for my bday.

I hope you don't mind ^^

9 26

Looks like Dylan has met Nisha, the Scorpion Pet of ' Elvira!
As you can see Nisha is super happy to be friends with Dylan.
Do you think Dylan feels likewise!?

12 26

Here we have both Dylan & Hansel gazing at the Stars in the London Skyline together!
What kind of constellations do you think they may spot in the night sky?

8 19

Dee Dee ate some funny mushrooms she found in the park, and now she can taste colours

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Here we have a Cat inspired by a Poster seen in the episode "Crushed Out", called David Meowie!
Thanks to for help on this.
You can probably tell the inspiration behind them, Eh!?

7 14

Here we have a from , which is appropriate for both the &
Dawkins has become so large, instead of having a Molecule for a Collar Tag, he has a GALAXY!
What do you think he thinks of his new Tag?

6 15

Hey, don't get mad at him, he had no way of knowing that...

7 23

No! Bad Dizzy! Quit shoving your sister!👉

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