Kahr (Kappa Alpha Eta Rho) is Trii's father, Koen's husband, and was also one of the galaxy's most powerful guardians. Not only could he transform into a super-dense metal to become nigh-invincible, he could lift objects 100,000 times his own weight!

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Trii's mother, Koen (Kappa Omicron Epsilon Nu), was one of the galaxy's greatest heroes and devoted her life to protecting it along with its planets. She has the amazing ability to transform her body into a limitless liquid state to wash away her enemies!

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King Mordecai Zavier Scorpiorn is the iron-fisted ruler of the planet Threa, and the one responsible for driving Trii away from his home in space. His power and agility alone are enough to be feared, but his boiling hot temper is even worse!

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