The Top 5 Troy McClure Movies I'd Love to See:

5. Cry Yuma
4. The President's Neck is Missing!
3. Leper in the Backfield
2. The Boatjacking of Supership 79
1. The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel

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The Top 8 Troy McClure Movies I'd Love to See:

8. P is for Psycho
7. Meet Joe Blow
6. Hydro
5. Cry Yuma
4. The President's Neck is Missing!
3. Leper in the Backfield
2. The Boatjacking of Supership 79
1. The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel

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"No, you'll never make a monkey out of meeeee!" Another fantastic Simpsons/Planet of the Apes the Musical design is now available at our Etsy store!

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