Graffiti my first real art outings when way younger! But i still can do it!! New design! Will be bombed mos def’!!

6 6

Graffiti my first real art outings when way younger! But i still can do it!! New design! Will be bombed mos def’!!

1 2

Old news considering all of his blunders these past few days, but... :

0 0

That buffoon will be buying American bleach. How did we end up with these two clowns? We have a PM who ignored the WHO advice and has by his inaction caused the deaths of thousands of us. America has a virus... Trump

1 1

yes. And also an extremely dangerous idiot.

This Norwegian cartoonist nailed it back in 2016.

363 1472

Jim Morin: Trump & GOP accomplices have turned us into the shining shitty on the hill - political cartoon gallery in London

23 26

Again, , here's your meme.
It's the top rated meme in history, ever, they tell me.
I'm the happiest today, that I've ever been, in my life.

777 1525