Today’s cartoon needed a companion piece. A rebuttal, if you may, to all the nonsense the trumplicans have been spewing about the

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As dawn breaks in Wyoming, trumplicans across the nation shudder. Then mutter softly, “What have we done?”.

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For those who don’t think AG Garland is doing anything, today’s verdict in the Sussmann trial shows exactly why he let Durham continue as a “Special Counsel”. The trumplican universe reaction is truly worthy of this “Special Council “.

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This is the so desperate, existing only on disinformation.

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Again, the trumplicans didn’t think this stuff through. Every one should be broadcasting…

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My Latest - Holy crap! Biden ain’t foolin’ around! According to the trumplicans he’s goin’ door to door! I think I love him even more!

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I have a property in Scottsdale, Arizona (part of the Phoenix sprawl) thankGod I wasn't anywhere near that Gobsh*te and his Trumplican rally.

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Seems like a good time to post this again.

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