Thread updated.
Only doing like a post a day, but I'm trying to give folks in the thread shit to work with.

3 24

I'm back at work so posting in my quest is gonna be mad slow. This is a good time for discussion and plans and where to spend your gold. I can't boost it at the moment, zorry.

1 21

Anon tracked down the dangerous(?) criminal (?) at long last!

0 16

When I fantasy cast Takahata101 in my stupid bullshit I make sure he's still got Gregor with him.

1 19

Richter is helping us meditate again!

Anon has to concentrate!

0 15

Thread updated. Might be near the end.

2 19

Anon's making his moves. In for the fight of their lives.

1 12

Among these dozen trapped boxes is 15000 gold pieces, but my anons aren't risking their goblin waifu getting hurt to get it. Damn proud of my anons. Love over gold.

1 23

I've also added a 'Joey's Journal' page. To keep track of quests and crew status. It's a little experimental, but there's a lot to keep track of.

0 14

Hoo boy. I think the biggest wiki upgrades are done. Could be wrong.

Have made character pages for Richter and Mike

4 17

Finally got these done. Gonna try and split my time between updating the wiki and patreon lewds.

I'm really happy with how Mike turned out. I kinda love how the guy who looks like a brooding protagonist is one of the most casual and pleasant people in the story.

3 18

This will do! Not like any of these sre spoilers.

3 16