Donarsday Bonus Monster: The Babbling Mushmaw (repost)
The Babbling Mushmaw, known to mythos scholars as a lesser shoggoth, is a terrifying creature that is difficult to describe. It is a huge mound of rippling , babbling, screaming flesh, eyes, and mouths.

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Bonus Monster: Fly Fisher, aka flydra
The Fly Fisher, aka flydra, is a hideous abomination that resembles an animate pile of rotting garbage and refuse, being circled by giant flies.
Thanks, for the art, and and for the idea.

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Terror Tuesday: die Moosleute, or Mossfolk.
The Mossfolk are similar to a Germanic version of dryads, fey spirits of the trees and plants that guard their forests and aid or hinder humans. They resemble dwarf folk, moss-covered and wizened.

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