
McKenzie's lookin' sexy and...thicc haha

First drawing in a while and I still got it :)

5 11

"Round Animals Batch

More roundness for ya'll! This time featuring , , and !

More to come! These are pretty fun to do!

10 38

"The 12 Pains of Christmas Special" Pages 9-10

I've been behind on these I know ^^;

Eric Skunk
Jared belongs to
Ian Belongs to

Daily Needs and artwork belong to Seth Fox

4 12

"The 12 Pains of Christmas Special" Page 8

Seth's sister is the type to ask for EVERYTHING and probably still get her way

Eric Skunk
Jared belongs to
Ian Belongs to

4 13

"Summertime Fox"

McKenzie's soaking up those sweet late-summer rays before the autumn hits and it looks like she's already for the cooler weather already!

Commissions Queue (https://t.co/TRfPyXSvO6)
Ko-Fi (https://t.co/RikHDCATGD)

4 17

Daily Needs - "Bottomless Stomachs"

Brianna and McKenzie discuss things they have in common

9 26

Daily Needs - "Springtime Allergies"

Spring is in full bloom! Unfortunately that's a double edged sword for folks with allergies :)

14 37

Daily Needs - April Fools Travesty

Seth is pretty foolish when it comes to pranks involving food but you never mess with his love of pies! :)

Featuring my friend as the prankster raccoon :D

11 30

Commission for

Rocky works at a coffee shop and Seth's one of his best customers! Seems like they both have been enjoying the coffee and the snacks a little

13 59

Seth's been raiding the trash for food again but I think the trash cans are shrinking in size :P

10 62

To celebrate 700 followers on here Seth has been given 700 donuts..

...and the results are as expected..

Many thanks to all of you! You're all a bunch of wonderful and supportive people :)

13 47

Daily Needs - "Taste Test" - Even after eating most of the cake, the results are still inconclusive! :)

12 37

Seems the wintertime eating has caught up on both Seth and McKenzie!

Drawing with my new painting/coloring process. Pretty happy with how this came out! :)

16 44

Daily Needs "Resolution Solutions"
Seth's got a resolution to start and Jared gives him some solid advice XD

16 33

Daily Needs - "Gift Wrapping" - Some are better skilled at wrapping than others :) https://t.co/aDkD6pc2zI

7 23

Daily Needs - "Snuggling Foxes" - One upside of the snowy weather I guess! - Introducing a different format for reading tell me what you thing :) https://t.co/aDkD6pc2zI

11 24