Testing some more character animation...
👀 I wonder what's got this guard so scared? 👀

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Something I've seen reviewers tear apart? Should be of interest. And yes, I'm still alive. I've just been super busy.

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Back to my studies. Fun. Fun. Fun. Night all.

0 7

Daww, Deputy So and So is adorkable.

2 5

Well, you're not two houses away from the crime scene, but I don't think you wanna know the truth..

2 3

Physics everyone!! I miss the first film, at least it was fun watching the assholes die.

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Where's my machete wielding killer to end these cardboard cutout's screen time?

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Her crotch is rotting and and she puked blood all over you. No duh she's sick. Blergh, just blergh.

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Penny, love, he's getting married tomorrow. It's a bit late to go the whole senpai route.

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