. 『クロウタドリ』
(blackbird (Turdus merula))

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This is my of the A winter visitor to the uk, flocks can be seen gorging on rowan and other seasonal berries. The white eyebrow, small size (for a thrush), and red underwing flash make then easy to identify.

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Turdus obscurus
Eye-browed thrush

2 4

American robin (Turdus migratorius)

1 8


Turdus chrysolaus
Brown-headed Thrush

1 5

Day 23 ♡
✧ Common Blackbird (Turdus merula) ✧

5 15

Day 12 ♡
✧ American Robin (Turdus migratorius) ✧

3 10


Turdus cardis
Japanese thrush

3 7

Turdusraptor merula

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シロハラの水彩、ほぼできた。今シーズン沢山の個体を見ることができて、この一枚に仕上げた。いつもの枯葉をガサガサとひっくり返している姿ではなく、春の明るい芝地に出てきたシロハラ。今日も一羽まだいた。花はホトケノザ。Pale Thrush. Turdus pallidus.

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Birdus Turdus! Have seen 5/6 so far this winter (no prizes for guessing the missing one!)

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The Poospiza Hypochondria.. Arses Insularis.. Turdus Migratorius..Buff-throated Saltator aka Saltator Maximus

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スケッチ、アカハラ。亜種はオオアカハラだと思う。95年。Turdus chrysolaus

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Migratory thrushes are starting to be spotted on our shores - check your ID with a handy bird guide that is not at all silly.

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Asløg como Noriaki Kakyoin de Sturdust Crusaders.
JoJos Bizarre Adventures.
Original character.

7 7

First bird guide of 2021 for me - the Turdus family members found in the UK.

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