Vivo con te
un amore organico

S’incunea senz’avviso
sugli organi inesposti

scatenando un riflesso
quasi indolore
in un turgore
d’indifesa letizia

l’inorganica materia
delle sensazioni
nella formalina
d’un ricordo

🎨Tomasz Rut

29 88

...И пусть кругом грохочут глухо громы,
Пусть веет вихрь сомнений и обид, -
Явь наших снов земля не истребит!...

0 0

Concept art for Turgor, Ice Pick Lodge game that will become The Void.

53 203

From hope and achievement he restrains
His busy shoulders, turning to recession,
And takes no bonds, and quenches the compassion
The Moon ignites to forge our lively chains.

commission for the , Hero as the Brother in
Thank you! 💚

10 31