Gn cryptotweeps, sweet dreams 🦥🫂

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Have a pleasant afternoon Tweeps 💜🌺🕊️

Rita Cardelli art

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월요일 하루를 마무리하는 realtoptweeps입니다. 브이튜버 여러분, 수고 많으셨습니다.

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목요일 하루를 마무리하는 realtoptweeps입니다. 브이튜버 여러분, 수고 많으셨습니다.

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Gn Tweeps, have a peaceful one 🦎🫂💤

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Good morning tweeps! It's and I'm in west Texas on my way to the 2023 in Arizona.

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Well Tweeps! Dinner is done and my kittens are running in from the rain so gotta stop for awhile before they keep running across the keyboard and mess up stuff! Stay Safe and Be Careful Out there!! Good Night one and all! Blessed be to all the writers out there!

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Sleep tight tweeps. I shall be watching over the city and you have nothing to fear.

Full disclosure: I'm old and may fall asleep shortly, so do be sure to lock your doors.

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Gn Tweeps, have a peaceful one 🦎🫂💤

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Gn Tweeps, sleep well 🦎💚💚🫂💤💤

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Looking forward to the new year.
This is my energy, what's YOUR energy, Tweeps?
Coming at 2023 Like Batman on a Pony, PEOPLE!

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Gn Tweeps & a heartfelt thanks to everyone who's shown me such strong support today - you've been brilliant 🦎💚💚💚🫂🫂🫂

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Merry Christmas to all you lovely tweeps, may the Christmas Penguin bring you all the bones your hearts desire ❤️‍🔥

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