"My wife and I saw a fortune-telling machine like that in a coffee shop." — writer Richard Matheson on the origins of "Nick of Time"

And credit the art department for coming up with the devil's head. It wasn't described in Matheson's script.

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Charles Beaumont adapted his own short story for "The Howling Man" -- and changed the ending completely.

You can read it and many other classic tales right here: https://t.co/dMT9d7ve4L

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Octavia's spending New Year's Eve watching the Twilight Zone marathon!~

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"Five Characters In Search Of An Exit" is the 1st Twilight Zone I ever saw (as a rerun). So it'll always be a sentimental favorite!

The name of the episode, btw, was based on Luigi Pirandello's 1921 play "Six Characters in Search of an Author."

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Ever heard the Leader's FULL speech in "Eye of the Beholder"? It's chilling: https://t.co/aSMEfhge1F

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Serling based "The Hitch-Hiker" on a radio play written by Lucille Fletcher and read by Orson Welles.

Fun fact: The lead character on radio was male.

Read more about the origins of this legendary Twilight Zone: https://t.co/7TnxWCDMb7

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So how did the Kanamit pass the lie-detector test? My theory: https://t.co/OEoHhZPsmU

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"You can have the transformation for one week on approval. If you're not satisfied, we exhume your old bodies."

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"I'm not the kind to bury a body unless I'm positive he's dead. You know me better than that."

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A behind-the-scenes shot during the filming of "Long Distance Call." Director James Sheldon — who worked on 6 TZs, including "It's a Good Life" — is seen here in the white shirt. This is also the first of 3 TZs for child actor Billy Mumy.

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