Les prisons turques sont des mouroirs pour les Kurdes

En Turquie, 59 prisonniers malades sont décédés depuis début 2020, la majorité étaient des prisonniers politiques kurdes.

Soyez la voix de ces prisonniers.

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*Tomorrow* is the *deadline* to sign this petition. The campaign was initiated by the Kurdish Women's Movement to reach 100,000 signatures for 100 reasons Erdoğan and the AKP party in Turkey should be prosecuted for feminicidal policies.


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"Turkish military forces and their allies have displayed an utterly callous disregard for civilian lives, launching unlawful deadly attacks in residential areas that have killed and injured civilians!"


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Comunque quelli per cui facevate il tifo, che difendevano Kobane e liberavano Raqqa, so' stati accannati da tutti e da 5 giorni stanno sotto i bombardamenti dell'aviazione turca. Se c'è un momento in cui vale la pena farlo presente, è tipo ORA.

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women have always been at the forefront of our liberation movement

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