Today's episode is out now and we are once again celebrating Valentine's Day by talking about our favorite space boyfriend, Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect 3! Listen now wherever podcasts are found.

Art: Mass Effect Archive

14 64

I know Mordin isn't a romance option, but we all fell in love anyway. -V

Art: Ellen Schebor on Tumblr

45 206

Por si tenían duda el personaje de mi comic (la llamé Jenny) es madre de leiko :3

0 9

Girls in a Boat(1916) by Müfide Kadri(1890-Istanbul,1912-Istanbul)
40 cm x 75 cm Oil on Canvas

Happy International Women's Day

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Chapter 16! Muyun shifu, did you truly not want to lose Xiaoqian in the crowd, or is her legs just too short...?

9 41

Chapter 15! Xiaoqian, so this was your plan all along...?🧐

7 24

Chapter 13, Muyun shifu reveals the secret why Lingchuan Gate has been keeping this fan a close-guarded secret...

9 25

And we're back today with chapter 12! Xiaoqian, are you sure you've been keeping your eyes closed the entire time? 🧐

12 28