Approximately 3 weeks late for day 5 of for CASUAL but hey. time isn't real, and Floyd needed to wear this shirt.

42 97

Day 16 of is recovery! Post-overblot Floyd cuddling with his fam after Yoru uses her secret skill (excessive violence) to knock him out. He may have a cracked skull, but Mido's on the job patching her papa up. Bandaids fix every everything, right?

5 9

Day 8 of is MOTHERS DAY. So here's a mama leech with her babies that made it home.

6 7

day 3: Rivals

I love these two so much 😭😭😭❤️

131 447

A little late for day 2 of for SEA WITCH but here's fat BB azul. BB has rectangle pupils and no one can change my mind.

12 22

day 1: Dorm Swap

Azul as Pomefiore's Dorm Head✨

155 479

First day of is dorm swap lets gooooo

20 60