IM VERY LATE BUT Entrapta and Twyla (G3 but I only have an image of G1) are both confirmed autistic and Four and Sumsy are just my headcanons

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trying dif drawing style

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TWYLA!!! 💜💚 i gave her some noise canceling headphones because she’s just like me fr

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fanart i drew of twyla boogeyman dying in a glue trap

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Thats 3 for 3, Twyla does not miss, she's so pretty!

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dibujo de twyla de Monster high uwu

es uno de mis personajes favoritos junto a robecca

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Praying for a Howleen/Twyla friendship in gen 3

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Twyla Mossbloom 🌿 for the lovely @/lunariiaxing 🐲

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more of a cartoon redesign for Twyla than a fashion doll design. love my girl

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