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【本日のタイポグラフィ/Today's Typography】


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Here's the version without the typography

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A golden scheme exhibits a vast collection of numerals confronting vertical and horizontal lines among cursive typographic text.

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A landscape portrays a lone panda lying on a flat gray stone in the center, next to a bamboo tree, with a dark blue kanji letter next to a single typographic text.

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processing a trauma of not having really decent typography in my whole fucking country

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A middle-aged woman holding an umbrella with a mound of flowers, as well as typographic text and a pair of kanji letters in varying shades of orange and brown.

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A middle-aged woman sitting atop a three-dimensional shape of typographic text among fallen leaves spread across the horizon.

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A yellowish-orange landscape displays a little girl resting on a tree trunk in front of a treehouse, with solid typographic lettering and a pair of kanji characters in the background.

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With a huge typographic lettering in the hues orange, yellow, and black, the landscape shows an individual in a costume holding a pumpkin head on a broomstick among gravestones.

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A landscape depicts a lone girl in a costume with a broomstick, a dark blue castle, and a white typographic phrase splashed in black paint.

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A landscape with ghosts, multiple pumpkins lying in a graveyard, and yellowish-orange typographic text written in cursive.

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An orange-colored outline of typographic text is displayed with a pumpkin that is loaded with a pack of sweets, a gift, and a mild blue sign.

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