バルキー👊 Tyrogue

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Purely based on aesthetics, probably Corsola and 2D Tyrogue (Dunsparce is my favorite sentimentally though).

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More doodles

You know, I never liked Tyrogue but it's really easy to draw.

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Generation is easy. Four Pokémon is tough.

Leaning toward these four at the moment, but I also love Furret, Girafarig, Tyrogue (especially its Shiny), and more.

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'HITMONLOCK' and 'FENZOR' are new evolutions for Tyrogue and Scyther in my project 'Mirror Dreams'.

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Shiny Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop

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Shiny Tyrogue and Hitmontop sprite redraws

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Weas de mi futuro fangame
(Seguro ni lo hago por flojo)

Tyrogue regional
Lucha veneno como sus 2 nuevas evoluciones

Hitmontane: pokemon gran cuerpo
Hitmondue: pokemon mega brazo

Uno basado en las vencidas y el otro puta no hace falta decirlo

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I'm doing & chose a centaur for my mythological creature. Ended up becoming a new Tyrogue evolution based around speed, so say hello everyone to Hitmonuever!


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I'll have surgery today. I hope everything's gonna be alright.

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Can’t wait to see the probably armor-less little fire dude that turns into these 2 majestic knights. Kinda giving me Tyrogue vibes.

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236 - Tyrogue
Type: Fighting

Abilities: Guts, Steadfast, Vital-spirit

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Se cree que la técnica de girar sobre su propia cabeza tiene el único fin de despistar al enemigo antes de asestarle varias patadas.
Los humanos dieron con esta forma evolucionada de Tyrogue más tarde que con sus 'hermanos'.


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Last one for the night~

Lil Tyrogue, fun fact, this is my first time drawing them owo

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Second run: My starter this time was a Seel, not the best but not the worst. As I made my way back to Rustboro to fight Roxane once again, I caught a Magikarp, a Tyrogue, a Spearow, a Digglet, a Meditite and a Slakoth.

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Wanted to draw my favorite underrated pokemon Tyrogue

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A Pokemon who always nursing its injuries from fighting opponents larger than itself and becomes stressed only if it is not able to train every day.


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