Its & this week we are reading our favourite collection of books
And eagerly awaiting the next book, book 4 is coming out soon!

written by from & from

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Q1: I have a special friendship with the magical dog world of TzuKingdom. King Bailey & Queen Coffee have taught me so much about the true spirit of Christmas.Their kingdom has helped me provide blankets and toys to anipals still waiting for forever homes 4/4

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Its & this week we are reading our favourite collection of books
And eagerly awaiting the next book

written by from & from

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All three novels are available to buy in paperback for - enchanted novels featuring amazingly brave dogs for anyone over 5.

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Huge thank you to our corporate sponsor for their support with The Tzu King Mystery. We absolutely love this illustration by

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Roh Roh Roh!! 🐾✳️❤️✳️🐾 A special announcement for all pals - my letter to King Bailey!

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Books! They're easy to wrap, delivered to you before Christmas and bring happiness! Order for your dog loving friends today!

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readinz upz on my furavritez bookz n waitin fur my copy ofz book to arrive zoon!!

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King Bailey & Queen Coffee rule with fun, love & fairness. Come meet them...

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We are delighted & proud to be working with to bring to a bookshelf near you...not long now!

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