With auto hiding walls and connected navigation - we've got a bit of explorey shootey action!

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And here's Mr. Yellow. Mr. Yellow throws exploding blocks at you, flushing you out.

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Another gameplay sketch of a simple melee enemy (green). Mr. Green will chase you out of cover - nowhere is safe forever.

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Some early days (unbalanced) combat! Starting to combine moving, shooting and hiding.

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Another veeeeeery simple bit of GUI - bullet counter. Reloading now makes sense!

3 7

Taking the silhouette, had a look at the theming like I did for the Hero, we think they all kinda work

3 6

Some veeeeery basic health bar functionality (with bits dropping off!). Done by duplicating the image (bar), moving and changing it's length, then tweening it away.

3 11

Bang! Shooting from cover means we've got Mr. Box diving, crawling and shooting!

4 13

Mr. Box is using his new found dive n' roll ability to evade an angry gang of red bricks.

5 11

Cover Rails are also handy to get dive targets from. Now you can dive with confidence!

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More cover tests. Added 'Cover Rails' to guide the character. Less loitering near corners.

15 12

Proto Bullets and Targets: Targeting based on angle & distance. Collisions are just physics ATM.#gamedev

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