The production of duck eggs is affected by daylight. When there is more daylight, the ducks will lay more eggs. 🥚

However you can crack mystery eggs all day with Uglyducks in the market if you own one of our NFTs.

51 71

Look no ducking further! You’ll quacking love us over at the UglyDucksWTF pond🦆🦆🦆 Spread your wings and quack on over! 🚀 🌙 🚀

6 9

Look no ducking further………..QUACK the UGLYDUCKSWTF on the TOP TIER!!!!🦆🚀 🌙 🚀🦆

5 10

Do you smell what The UglyDucks are cooking? The duck says the duck says! is the new

10 16

Molly ❤️ Wagmi 💯trust the process join discord today grab a genesis from opensea and come join the molly fam, uglyducks ❤️molly let’s go

20 27

UglyDucks? 💜🦆💜

I suggest to get an ⁉️ There is nothing better then chilling with us at the pond 🦆⁉️

7 8

No matter where you are from. We all Uglyducks!
Quacking art. Great community. And Ducking perfect team.
The rise of the ducks begin!
Lets Quacking go!!!

12 17

My Beautiful but ugly duck!!! also has many other amazing art peices up for grabs too on the !!! The link is in the uglyducks page if you wanna come quack and check it out. QUACK!

11 15

The uglyducks community love you 🔥🔥 Just take a look at this duck done in your honor😎🔥🔥

44 79

🙏 24 hours since reveal, and Utility delivered. Bullish.

4 6

The art is super sick, free mint, nesting utility functional on day 1🔥🔥🚀🚀, community is bullish. This is next level success

39 70

Quack! Floor just went up $50 dlls! More to come! Proudly hold 4 Get yours before they become unaffordable!

14 29

Is it a coincidence that my ugly ducks got a 🌛 and 💰 ? I don't think so...

33 60