An American 🇺🇸 has been killed in Ukraine 🇺🇦 they aren’t saying whom yet on the news 📰. 6 months of bombings rockets 🚀 now fear of nuclear ☢️ reactor . Haven’t forgotten

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Thank you for double blessing me today, Zelda!
Wednesday afternoon greetings, friends! 💙

It's 🇺🇦

Sirens is an online gallery of the war displaying artwork generated by AI from text descriptions.
Sample artworks:

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Жовта та Синя Діаманти вітають нас усіх з ДНЕМ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ!! Вітаю вас, любі 💙💛

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11 80

Happy Independence Day!🇺🇦🇺🇦✊

Ukrainian community, please share your artworks about and freedom!🕊💙💛

We are starting:
«2022.» by

37 122


(я хотіла щось із прапором намалювати але десь звернула не туди)

31 247

Hello, guys! So... It's and I'm just repost my old art from IG... At the last time I haven't strength and inspiration for drawing... Sorry.

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