Happy (belated) Birthday Aliaー!
Wish you all the best, semoga alia semakin bersinar kedepannyaー✨

Alia semoga cepat sembuh ya, banyak istirahat dan jangan begadang terus..

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day 8, featuring birthday girl I like her demeanor and she has a lovely singing voice! definitely support her from now onwards! Happy birthday, and god speed, Alia!

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I've practiced a whole week and put all my efforts into this.

Here it is, my present for the birthday girl , hope you like it~ 🙏

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Semoga sukses selalu ya!❤
Tetep stay heuheu
(=ω= )✨

Colek para boneka dango👄

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Aliaa! once again happy birthday! 🥳🎊wish for your happiness! i'll always support youu~! 💕✨

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(1/2) Happy birthday Alia 🎉 doa terbaik untukmu..

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Gatau kenapa, tpi tiba2 aja pgn bkin kado dadakan pas nonton live stream..
Sekalian ng-challenge diri sendiri bwt gambar cepet

Bru bkin jam 0:45-an, berharap bsa selesai sblm Alia end stream
but, looks like I didn't make it xD
HBD ~!!

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Masih belajar cara menggunakan twitter ;-;

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Happy Birthday Alia🎂🎉🎉💙

Wish you all the best!!🥺

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Gomen, earlier i forgot to color the mouth;;;
May you have a great bday Alia :3

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Happybday Aliaaaaaaaaaa!
May all your wish come true :3
Brrr dedline www

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お誕生日おめでとう アリアちゃん
Wish u all the best
Semoga tambah sukses ya, makin kawaii dan disayang abang mu+ para Kambeng Rebahan(❁´◡`❁)

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お誕生日おめでとうございます with you all the best, semangat selalu bikin kontennya, rebahannya, juga menggembala kambengnya

//akunulisapasih (;´-`)

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Happy Birthday Alia🎂🎉🎉✨
Wish you all the best!!
Semangat terus buat kedepannya yaa 💙💙💙

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Happy birthday aliaadelia (11 oct) 🎉🎉🎉

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Selamat ulang tahun Alialia🎉
Wish you all the best sehat selalu💙

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1st time doing digital art, sorry isn't good af. Happy Birthday wish u all the best, sorry not often to watch your livestream because I'm busy with real life.

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Bila seorang adik berulang tahun, kebahagiaan terbesar pasti ucapan selamat dr sang kakak tercinta dong ya UvU 👌Selamat Ulang Tahun, Alia.
Terimakasih ya selalu senantiasa menghibur kami dg senyum tawamu☺️💕

Ps: ada sedikit bonus lawak nih ehehe

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