Work-in-process variant cover from Until My Knuckles Bleed You can get the first arc (3 issues) in the stores, published by

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Until My Knuckles Bleed cover process
is now up for preorder with
. My new superhero-crime series published by

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I made two variant covers of UNTIL MY KNUCKLES BLEED ) paying tribute to 90s comics, one of them was this Sin City tribute cover, the book where I discovered the astounding Frank Miller's work.
is my new crime-superhero title.

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If you want to know about my latest series for USA, UNTIL MY KNUCKLES BLEED published by , take a look to the latest edition of my newsletter:

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Gabin Hart (AKA Damager) has a lot of duties, and one of them is to pay the streaming to his ex-wife.
UNTIL KNUCKLES BLEED (#UMKB) is my new crime-superhero title published by

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