Mano faz mt sentido ter um crossover de Os UNder Undergrouds e The Owl House(ainda estou fazendo os outros)

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Started playing Undergroud/Above and like...I just really like the name Omlette

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Desenhei os personagens do meu quadrinho pulando na pose dessa banda aí, não sei se vocês conhecem essa banda, ela é meio undergroud sabe, não é todo mundo que conhece...

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Alguém pode me recomendar uma animação topíssima, mas bem undergroud? pls? Quero assistir uns treco maluco! :3
Imagem meramente pra chamar atenção, obrigada.

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my jojosona and his stand! his name Velvet Undergroud and the stand is 「Reaper Man」#jojosona

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Some time ago I watched Sonic Undergroud :D It was so funny (and bad! But I loved it!)! And oh, my hand slipped with this more modern design for Princess Sonia ^w^!

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4. Only my sword/ descent

Daily post for your quarantine enjoyment (even if a bit dark mood tho)

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some undergroud fighting bois
from mutant Spring AU

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7月14日(金)〜 8月11日(金・祝)

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