Redesigned my Sans, Disto! I think he looks pretty 💙 + an old doodle of his old design
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Day 2: EX
Well at least I can do more human like characters, but I have been enjoying drawing him everytime.

But sans will still be my comfort character though 😂😂

2 10

With an soulless flower with friendly pellets and the god of hyperdeath.
Flowey: Who wants happiness pallets?
Asriel: I’m the god of hyperdeath I’minvisible

3 14

Day 1: BODY
Well at least I have something to post everyday. TTWTT

Still gotta catch up thpugh 😂😂

1 10

The entities
Lazybones.PNG by me
Flower Child by
Remember. Me by
Xeno/Trapped Soul by me

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