It's been a while I imagined fish 😅🐟🐟,

Midjourney V4 is spectacular with fish 🐠🐟

imagined with AI Midjourney

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It's been a while I imagined fish 😅🐟🐟,

Midjourney V4 is spectacular with fish 🐠🐟

imagined with AI Midjourney

0 2

It's been a while I imagined fish 😅🐟🐟,

Midjourney V4 is spectacular with fish 🐠🐟

imagined with AI Midjourney

0 2

Gn 💙 At the end of the day, we’re energy and light. Shine brightly 🤍💫#underwaterphotography

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masayoshi suzuki galleryにて26日まで個展開催中です。


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“Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love” from the collection…

Just finished shooting for a top secret project coming later this year. I’m so excited… xoxo C


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Most of my underwater art is of the photographic or literary kind, but sometimes, like today, I get my pens and ink out too.

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