Icarus the Hungerer 🪰

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Kadabra/ユンゲラー Yungerer is finally starting to properly return!!! It's gunna get a card!! It's been 3000 years!!

Kadabra is one of my absolute favorite Gen 1 Pokemon and I've been waiting for this literally more than half my life lmao💖

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Minion Monday: Hungerer

Less malleable than their skeletal cousins, Zombies will often retain combat skills and traits they possessed in life. The hunger for flesh is usually new.

Sign up for the Throne of Bone playtest: https://t.co/RLfkQOy1ob

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-le Seigneur des Anneaux
-la Saga des Harry Potter
-Otto, de Tomy Ungerer

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Les deseamos un feliz fin de semana con esta ilustración del gran Tomi Ungerer.
(Tomada del libro "Das große Buch vom Schabernack", Zurich: Diogenes, 1990).

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Also there’s one more piece that I haven’t posted on here on that page I did for

It’s a Hungerer Snake!

AD: Suzanne Helmigh ()

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Tomi Ungerer.
Ilustración de “The Mellops Strike Oil”, libro de 1958, publicado por Harper & Brothers, Nueva York.

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“Original ideas can always be traced back to something.”

Tomi Ungerer’s inspiration for THE THREE ROBBERS

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  : cette semaine : ogres, loups et sorcières👿🧙. Un géant toujours affamé va se métamorphoser au contact d’une petite fille👧. Un album incontournable signé

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'Duracell Rabbit Vs Ungerer’s Robber' 🔋🐇
from ‘AllStars League’ by Razmoh


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ただいま、田原町のReadin' Writin' BOOKSTOREさんでTomi Ungerer Forever! 「尊重とすこしの平和を」フェアを開催していただいています。トミ・ウンゲラーの新刊『どうして、わたしはわたしなの?』の発売を記念した評論社さんとの共同フェアです。 https://t.co/BMKcMuJ94W

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Seb Mckinnonの絵が好きでMTGのイラストに興味を持ったのが最初であの人の童話の絵と呪いの絵画みたいなののいいとこ取りがかなり良く個性的だなと思えるんだけど、それが好きなのには別に要因があって、絵本が好きだったんだけどTomi Ungererのすてきな三にんぐみって絵本が大好きだった。

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🌱👀 Oui, ce que vous voyez en miniature sont bien des bouquets de zizis par le grand Tomi Ungerer

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my narrative assignment for my concepts class: a four drawing illustration for The Three Robbers by Tomi Ungerer,!!!

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When you've finished with The Joy of Sex, try Tomi Ungerer's 1984 tongue-in-cheek The Joy of Frogs. Plenty of imaginative ideas to brighten up your day! See the whole portfolio at https://t.co/NB6HpsF4O6 and wonder …

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A new Tomi Ungerer portfolio for you all today, his 1992 witty erotic take on all your favourite stories in 'Tale for Grown-ups'. From Snow White and Cinderella to Macbeth and Sherlock Holmes, you can see them all at https://t.co/1bQx6vvpbe. How many can you identify?

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