画質 高画質

I dunno if I should cancel this art and draw other thing instead
I feel like it’s bad in composition and many thing
Maybe I should try aki in Thai university uniform LOL
or just clear all of my commission since it might be my last month open comm before I take a break

19 100

Oh pretty girl, you could take my heart away or you could even steal a kiss~

Sakukallen university romcom because they deserve it

59 323

masters in servology with a concentration in motherlogical studies from the university of cuntington

150 1483

College of TSF : University Festival preparation(4)
Oh, I don't plan on drawing the festival. -fin-

2 50

College of TSF : University Festival preparation(3)

3 48

College of TSF : University Festival preparation(2)
1 graduate student vs 6 undergraduate students

4 86

College of TSF : University Festival preparation(1)
The president of each departments are not artists or readers but I wanted to show the concept of 6 departments in this college. (Or maybe my thoughts on each genre)

18 145


クライアント:アーヘン工科大学(RWTH Aachen University)



Vielen Dank, Universität Aachen✨

6 161

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Hoohoo’s self confidence evolution💥💥
(also year 1 - 4 in university)
The background is inaccurate tho because I rarely go outside unless for uni purposes💀💀 https://t.co/tO0Kj7LIpu

0 8

For context, I had my university convocation last Monday. It was alright but I still feel dissatisfied.
Ben sent me to see the local beefy nurse to help me get over it.

189 1910

tr! Pantes si Ijab gak lulus lulus, yang di apply Todai (Tokyo University) udah gitu ambil FKH pulaa 😭

34 294

based on 's TSF university, it's a me, Duokuma as junior professor :3

28 329

Artists, let me see your improvement over 5 years!

My university has really taught me a lot.😯
2018 2018
2023 2023 https://t.co/2knCYIdzbi

1 12

I'm working with a lot of fine liners for my university project at the moment and UGH I just love cross hatching so much look at these textures ✨✨

(these are scans of traditional illustrations so the lines aren't as crisp as my usual stuff)

0 60

Texas A&M大学アニメクラブのマスコットイラストを描かせていただきました。ありがとうございました!

I drew an illustration of the mascot for the Texas A&M University's Anime Club. Thank you very much!

6 32

freshers flu has official hit me. i love university!

39 726

🎊X & Instagram合同投稿企画🎊
『Nike DUNK "Midnight Blue"/ナイキダンクミッドナイトブルー』

昨日SNKRS DAYに発売した
InstagramにはUniversity Redを投稿中( 〃▽〃)

9 87

X & Instagram合同投稿企画‼️

今夜はNike DUNK Lowの
・X⇒Midnight Navy
・Instagram⇒University Red

2種類のスニーカーイラストを同時投稿しますのでお楽しみに( 〃▽〃)

2 29