How is Sunday treating you? Here's a couple of unsig_dreams born from my contemplations.

If you've not seen them before, unsig_dreams are remixes of . I've been creating them since August 2021.

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Just noticed with the recent update to CNFT sellers can now do bundles.
Someone's put up a bundle of 2 matched pieces from the Darkness and Light set I released last year. Having the 2 together like that was always how they were meant to be.

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There are still one or two of us using our as a base to create new art. I have no intention of stopping anytime soon!
Here is unsig_01534 & some dark unsig_dream interpretations it inspired.

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Bad narcolepsy day. Maybe 30+ sleep episodes. Very discombobulating. On the plus side it seems somewhere in there I did these.
Source: Unsig_30299.

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What little thing can share with you for the holidays?
How about a second sneak peek from the Forest Dreams collab collection? Shared vision + Real painting + Unsig.

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So many things I should be doing, but somehow I can't stop with the art. Manic with creativity.
"Uncertainty of Form"

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Found a different gear. I knew there must be one. Yes it's hyperbolic, but hopefully it means I'm not entirely stuck on mental health alert.
Unsig 30299 reimagined tonight.

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It's odd when you get 'this close' to finishing a piece - but get stuck in versioning. Come back later to look with new eyes is my usual strategy. Not 100% on this one. Any thoughts?

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