【Fem Byleth】Celebratory illustrations by Chinatsu Kurahana

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14) I liked Chinatsu Kurahana before it was cool

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👋 A lil bit of context re:🎆 mama: I ffffcking love madame Kurahana Chinatsu.

I also forgot to add I love pretty boys, pretty-fying boys. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)🌸✨

(also Ray is the black-haired, Eli is the pink boy who's also my pfp.)

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Idk they count as manga artists per se, but these artists inspire me a lot:
Yun Kouga
Kurahana Chinatsu
Uiro Yamada https://t.co/H8TvDWjHIx

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thats the very first time im glad i couldnt catch the stream on time last night(my timezone), or i would definitely die from hyperventilation... thx leader...

ngl, im still feel bad for putting my work alongside Kurahana-sensei or being offended for some altventurers :<

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foto ktp bapak marmar sudah jadi setelah 1 tahun gak diurus sama kelurahan /apa

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Kadang suka bingung ama pasar l2d... kadang ada yang jual standar tapi kemahalan, terus ada yang jual BAGUS GAK MAIN tapi harga nya cukup terjangkau... jadi bingung kudu patokin harga berapa, kemurahan di bilang perusak pasar, kemahalan di bilang gak bakal laku.

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3 10

C’est presque la nouvelle année à Tokyo! Bonne année à tous les adorables visiteurs de Polymanga.

On termine l’année sur les détails de cette magnifique affiche 2023 par Chinatsu Kurahana, la dessinatrice de Fire Emblem 3 Houses

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Art! Aku bru mau mulai open commis, tpi mau coba chibi dlu kaya gini. Kl harganya 150 kemahalan atau kemurahan? makasii

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Art! Mau buka komis, menurut kalian kemurahan atau kemahalan gak?😅😅😅

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Curahan hati buat si laki-laki bertudung dari Sun Wukong.

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Iya prenn, gak mau aku buka.. gila aku dianggap kek cewe murahan pdhl dia punya pacar ish 😭

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“Bergaulah dengan manusia secara keselurahan dengan senyuman”

– Imam Ali Ar-Ridha
(#Ahlulbait dan Cicit Rasulullah)

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Chinatsu Kurahana, la dessinatrice des personnages de Fire Emblem - 3 Houses vient en France spécialement pour vous rencontrer à Art to Play Nantes les 19-20 Novembre

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So by this metric, Hidari, Kurahana Chinatsu, and Toi8, all of which have worked on full Fire Emblem games, are all horrible artists too

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Kurahana Chinatsu's Fire Emblem art VS VTuber art. You can do both while having distinct art styles for each...

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Kurahana artstyle/designs for Fodlan games are tied with Tellius as the best in the series history, I've always admired her work in both game, great characterization, respectful designs & unique look for faces, live her work!

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Warga kelurahan Bumdap terdiri dari (1) bu lurah juragan slime (2) cosplayer tong sampah (3) local terorist

Tebak siapa yang siapa

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Karyaku! Segini 50k kemahalan engga? Atau kemurahan?

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