Pretty much anytime they need a voice for a random character, it's done by Cathy Weseluck. Her bigger roles were Kagome's mother, Ayumi, Urasue, and young Miroku

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Right? IY women are clones of one another. All the older teens (Kagome, Sango, Kagura, Kikyo) are identical. All the older women (Kaede, Urasue) look the same. But Rin is tiny, boobless and hipless because..."inclusivity"?? No. That's a child, the timeline confirms it.

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also random throwaway villain of the week Urasue gets to be a major character bc fuck it. its my rules NOW. she knew kikyo and kaede when she was young ! maybe i'll make her an kaede former friends but something happened along the way and urasue pursued darker magic.. who knows

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