How do you like the new Make Space for Cars campaign?

Full set linked in comments.

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Portland State University's Comics Studies and the National Institute for Transportation and Communities did this amazing collab: Moving From Cars to People. Check it out digitally through the link in the bio!

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Studio Cadena disenya una versàtil plataforma cívica per actes socials al New Museum

🔸Table Top - (2022)

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New interesting method to reframe land-use mix as 'walkable trips.'
The walkable trips identify elements of the street network where functional and spatial complementarity support walking.
Full article at:

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desde la infraestructura abandonada de las vías del tren de carga hasta una nueva forma tridimensional de experimentar la ciudad.

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''Planners are Morons because they DO NOT DO Dignity.'' (More on

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All part of a pedestrian-friendly city, my friends.

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Un volcà actiu com a parc natural central d’una conurbació urbana?

📸 daylioverview
📐rutes de la lava
📐parc natural del Vesuvi

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Els se’n van a a l’Habana Vieja” , un patrimoni ple de colors i vida que són el viu reflex de la seva barreja d’èpoques i estils arquitectònics
+ plànol de paviments del 1899

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A Un exemple de com reintroduir l’aigua a la ciutat!
🔸Rehabilitació del casc antic de Banyoles (2012) de Josep Miàs

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Nation Roundabout , A visual Inventory of the abuses of our urban growth :…/

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