Olá! Eu sou Lory, eu faço um estilo meio anime meio UrbanSketching, com tradicional (aquarela e guache) e digitial! https://t.co/KxqCrS1xjz

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As soon as I discovered I knew I'd come home, artistically speaking. Soon, portraits became candid captures, and now it's my great pleasure to sketch any human off their guard. Never relax! You can join in the fun by pre-ordering my book from Amazon

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Hello! These are some of my recent artworks. I’m a self-taught artist who does trad and digital artworks. I love urbansketching, but im always exploring art styles 😬🙌🏻 my moments and ig are linked below:


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What I do: mostly urbansketching, digital illustrations, cartoons and also photography (my ig for photography works is @/ahmadharyth 😬)
I’ve tried a lot of things in search of my own style, orang kata jack of all trades, master of none gitu

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