yurinated states of gaymerica

410 1822

An other kind of Kabedon When they first met (modern AU)
Garth drank too much that day and urinated under a streetlamp in front of the British Museum😂

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People be making comics to spearhead the indie comics scene, grift as a mediocre youtube commentator, or forward some dumb movement. I’d rather be the Diogenes of comics, one who urinates on fans, fame, and fortune. Public masturbation, but personified as a comic book

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Never urinate in a fairy ring! If you do, your body will be covered with pustules, and you’ll be urinating blood for weeks.

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So, since my lady parts are only allowed to make babies, man parts need to be controlled when they aren't actively making babies. You can still urinate, what else would you possibly need your penis for? Or am I unfairly dictating what you can do with your body...

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That pose is perfect to help you urinate in full orgasm 😍❤️

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My favorite food safety tip: Never eat blackberries after Michaelmas (September 29) because on that night the Devil urinates on them all. (When St. Michael expelled the Devil from heaven, he landed in a blackberry bush. He's carried the grudge ever since.)

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Having to fetch some ingredients for the alchemists to brew a potion of regeneration for Master's frail and bed bound ally, Mumm-ra. They say it's the only think that helps him to urinate these days.

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Some male children are born with abnormal openings of the tube from which they urinate (urethra).

The tube may open on top of the penis (epispadias), or under it (hypospadias).

When you see such, take them to a specialist for early surgical repair.

Please RT for awareness

677 817

Zeus, Poseidon & Hermes visited in disguise the poor farmer Hyrieus. He roasted a whole bull for them. When the gods offered to fulfill a wish, Hyrieus asked for a son. The 3 gods urinated onto the bull’s hide and told Hyrieus to bury it for 9 months. From this was born Orion.🏹

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numbr six.

man urinates on small child for killing brother.

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‘Woman Who Urinates On Herself’ … as played by Anne Sellors in Mick Jacksons film about post-Nuclear War … if you want to be chilled to the fucking bone and give up all hope for humanity THIS IS THE FILM FOR YOU!    

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I just urinated out of your penis.

You thought that was you?

Ok, kid.

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In Brittany, it was said hedgehogs suckled cows. If a cow ate the grass on which a hedgehog had urinated, misfortune followed. Eating grass touched by a hedgehog ensured a painful calving. Other areas said that women became pregnant after stepping on a hedgehog.

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Name the animal part 3

Characteristics: lives in Canada (involuntarily), two tentacles, offensively shaped rear-end of the torso that causes the animal to get into fights, urinates through its skin, screams at the sky, eats oxygen and is afraid of nitrogen

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INFIBULATION - This is the complete scrapping of the vagina and stitching it together to prevent the girl from having sexual intercourse. They seal the vagina and leave a small hole for the girl to menstruate or urinate!They tie her legs with a rope for days so the wound can heal

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