Commission for UrsaMajor73 from Furaffinity

Featuring C-dre's Aurora Bluebell and Farrah the Salamon

Urso Major © UrsaMajor73
Aurora BlueBell and Farrah the Salamon © C-dre

12 74

A gift for a friend of UrsaMajor73

99 704

1 Collab with UrsaMajor73
2 Collab with
3 Raffle Prize from
4 Drawn by Colors by Me

1 4

A kiss from Amara would brighten anyone's day

For UrsaMajor73 (they don't have a twitter yet)

67 489

Milk Service Collab with UrsaMajor73 on FA
After Rachel flaunting her fluid filled chest off to the public. Ursa wanted to give her a personal milking~

4 11

(5/48) UrsaMajor73 is one of my best friends, and he's almost like a big brother to me. I tend to spend a lot of my voice-chat time around him, and while we ended up meeting due to events I wish to not specify, we're nearly inseperable.

4 10

Biiiiiiiig Bear

For UrsaMajor73 on FA

191 1489