just to say i didn't draw a single thing on 2020, here's an utena redraw i did a while ago! they're standing closer to each other than usual for homosexual reasons

3 6

Angry lettuce boy may you find your happiness someday. 💚

5 24

Another Revolutionary Girl Utena screen shot re-draw. I had to! Y’all know my love of disembodied hands.

20 57

こんにちは赤ちゃん あなたの笑顔
こんにちは赤ちゃん あなたの泣き声
その小さな手 つぶらな瞳
はじめまして わたしがママよ

22 65

utena , me gusto este dibujo , perdón por la calidad que le pone twitter /:v , espero os guste uwu , denle amor .

6 17

Estreno mi retorno con esta ilustración que hice el otro día en un streaming.
Todo el mundo a tope con el , pero.... qué tal un

10 23

Я-я-я-я сменила ей направление взгляда, но ладно, СЕГОДНЯ ТАК.

2 12

Another redraw but this time it's my girl Utena!

25 48