インドを拠点とし南アジア作品を配信するZEE5 Globalは、スーラジ・R・バルジャーティヤ(Sooraj R. Barjatya)監督、アミターブ・バッチャン、アヌパム・ケール、ボーマン・イラニ共演"Uunchai"(2022年)を2023年1月6日から配信するようだ。(Deadline)

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Nothing has changed for the past 53 years. Gurudev ji, the All Time Greatest Legend of Indian Cinema still remains the most popular & busiest Actor in Indian Cinema Industry. Age is just a number for him. releases on 07.10.22 & releases on 11.11.22.

6 30

Come on let us celebrate the friendship, celebrate life and feel the adventure on big screen on 11.11.2022.

grand gala release.

Literally quite excited to watch this potential cult classic movie from the house of

8 17

My best of wishes to the entire cast & crew of 🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤Eagerly looking foward to watch this movie on big screen on 11.11.2022.

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