8bit Toa Vakama

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Toa Metru Vakama gazing at Metru Nui's skyline, https://t.co/BkgSuqjGIH

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Did this with Bionicles, here’s Vakama, Nuju, Whenua and Matau. I know Nuju is pretty pasty but he’s kind of an ivory tower scholar who doesn’t go outside much already (also his elemental color of ice is white)

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Today I learned that Alessandro Juliani who played Toa Vakama in both movies was L in the English dub of Death Note and was in Watchmen and Man of Steel.

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A sketch of Vakama because he's a good Boi

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A movie-inspired Vakama from BIONICLE: Unmasked 2, https://t.co/0APVxS5JDD

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Nuju and Vakama decided to enter our headspace but because I can’t draw Bionicles I decided to style them after people on Ganim, part of my IP.

Nuju is really giving someone the “I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you” look.

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Vakama lava-surfing with Toa Mata Tahu, https://t.co/0APVxS5JDD

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Synthwave badges for CircuitWolfy and Vakama :)

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