Juuni and Valhalla are off to the races today, both surging in afternoon trading.

Juuni is up 90% to 0.45 ETH, and Vallhalla is up 50% to 1.35 ETH.

Is anime meta back?

1 6

Every day is night
Noche de Vallhalla

0 6

Birthday girl! Alma, our beloved big tiddy Hacker

11 46

Quick drawing of VA-11 Hall-A because I love these two 😭❤️#Stella

25 101

🚨Lowkey I’ve been slowly starting to love videogames again! I feel bad for everyone else that can’t experience the same joy I’ve had on these games. Honestly love them all! Shout out to the game devs

0 6

Ayer empezamos a jugar a y a ver Hoy hemos encendido la consola y la confusión es protagonista; no sabemos si tenemos que ir con Eivor a Uppsala, o con Freydis a Fornburg. No, al revés. Argh.

1 0

I can't stress this enough but dayumm, she's so cool. like, so damn cool!

74 277

Playing more tonight at 6pm Eastern! It's been a blast so far and we finally saw the title drop, so you know it's gonna get real now

1 2