And now, at least as far as painting is concerned, it's to make stuff like this

(artists from left to right: Camille Corot, Eugene Delacroix, Louis Valtat, and George Inness

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Louis Valtat was a French painter and engraver linked to the Fauvist movement of the early 20th century. His early works use the lightness of Impressionism.

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Louis Valtat was a French painter and engraver linked to the Fauvist movement of the early 20th century. His early works use the lightness of Impressionism.

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De Cattibus : Valtat 1899

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Seurustelusuhteissa voi esiintyä väkivaltaa riippumatta osapuolten sukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetistä. Väkivallan kehän ja dynamiikan ymmärtäminen on auttajan tärkeä työväline!

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Young Woman and her Model (1899).

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🎨 Louis Valtat (Français, 1860 - 1952)

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Louis Valtat by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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Au musée des Beaux-arts d’ Etienne Théolon, Jean Baptiste Pater, et Louis Valtat

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