ill do more darkstalkers for sure...after im done playing vamp chronicles, always wanted to learn this game...the char designs are so great

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Here's Demitri Maximoff! I’m going to try and do six vampires for Halloween. If I don’t make it I’m going to do them anyway. Let’s see how many I can get out before the day (no pun intended)

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Demetri x morrigan
Disculpen no me gusto la anterior morrigan así que le volvi a dibujar la cara y el atuendo

9 26

Demetri y morrigan
Termine el la cara de demitri que habia subido ojala les guste, ayuden con me gusta y retwitt gracias

8 22

Felicia from Darkstalkers. First of a series of Capcom fighting game girl illustrations. The next subject will be the more obvious choice for the Vampiresaviour games.

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