It's the year of the soon, didn't you know? 😳😏😋

💕🎨 jackvaneyck on tiktok⏰

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Cause painted it 🎉🎉🎉 all from . Last two from same time period. Adore the Northern Renaissance

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One of three Illustrations for the upcoming group exhibition in Ledeberg (Ghent). Based on the 'Adoration of the mystic Lamb' by Jan Van Eyck. A call for freedom, diversity and tolerance!

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Although COVID has my art galllery visits. I have actually only missed one exhibition. The superb but there is a great virtual tour & the catalogue is sumptuous. Having said that, I could have done with a 3rd trip to Artemsia

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(122×158cm) z 1436r.

Fragment obrazu Madonna kanonika van der Paele, zwana również Madonną z zieloną papugą.

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Say hello to Octavian Hamilton VanEyck Jr.
Or simply: Tavvy.

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