Kakyoin will teach you how to make cherry varenikis right here, right now 🤤😳

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I want to explain the concept of pielmeni and vareniki and maybe give a recipe with soviet!fem!Kak, what do you think about it? 🥟

2 43

Fridays are best spent making a delicious amount of slavic vareniki dumplings for the loved ones to enjoy throughout the weekend ~ 🥟✨💕

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丁度 Received800通目、🇷🇺受取の1枚。
”Vareniki with cherries”のレシピカードです。7月のサクランボの季節に作るデザートですが、皮はどうみても餃子😅…レシピを見ても、手作りした餃子風皮の中にサクランボを3粒入れて包み、ゆでてからサワークリームを添えるようです(続く)

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“Vareniki” by Valentin Smirnov (1970s)

8 43