# varigo

You're My Home.
Appreciation Week DAY 7: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Christmas Day/Presents/Holiday Spirit)

3 10

For My Number One~!
Appreciation Week DAY 6: Under the Mistletoe (Mistletoe Kisses/Christmas Eve/Quiet Moments)

3 8

With You By My Side, We're Unstoppable!
Appreciation Week DAY 5: Deck the Halls (Decorating/Christmas Preparations/Trimming the Tree)

4 9

You're Sweeter Than a Treat!
Appreciation Week DAY 4: Christmas Cookies (Baking Together/Enjoying Sweets)

5 10

Dream a Little Dream of Me
Appreciation Week DAY 3: Baby, It's Cold Outside (Sick/Ill/Chilly/Keeping Warm)

4 12

You miss my shouts of love! Must I shout louder?
Appreciation Week DAY 2: Frostie the Snowman (Winter Activities/Snow/Enjoying the Weather)

4 8