Sorry this took so damn long!

This is pt 1 of an art trade between us, with Dhampire and her beloved V (I gave up on his tattoos haha) but please go give her some love!

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V dmc5, but make him sakura miku/amy rose

10 18

It's here! It's here!!!
Again, maybe I'll change some details later, but for now I like it enough👁️👁️

Oof what a night

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If you embrace your nightmares, they eventually become family.
(Don't run away from past traumas, face them and let them make you stronger untill you're ready to be whole again.)

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both ar for my goatlings acc!
they're little page dolls for my main bio and gallery

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Venho com mais para o especial de aniversario do Dmc5. Com o personagem V, Griffon e Shadow
Da proxima: Lady e Trish!!

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V - Devil May Cry 5
Reference : Brilcrist~
This art print will be available at ICC 2019

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'I curse my stars in grief and woe,
that made my love so high, and me, so low'

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