Lookin’ forward to
Yuma Kokohead the Amnesiac Detective (in training) :3

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Arquitecturas de lo efímero

Del lat. architectūra.

1. f. Arte de proyectar y construir edificios.
2. f. Diseño de una construcción.

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🌈 Lez Get Visible! Our May issue is out just in time for the first ever Featuring dreamy artwork by PLUS 😍
Get yours: https://t.co/dB1bxdpRFa | https://t.co/jRuTHSM8Xk

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People visiting the today may be surprised to learn what was previously in the space now taken up by the Great Court, including what was there before the Round Reading Room, built in the 1850s.

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Entry: CY9040t. An Iron Wind front has been passing through the countryside outside of Bodrov for the past two weeks. Notably, it transforms all organic material into components of a complete, if alien, ecosystem. [B.R. Guthrie]

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Entry: BY8300h. Threat: Low. The Bullkelp Dragon is commonly found on the Northern shores of the continent. It is very trusting, especially when it encounters children. Children that befriend it can sometimes be lead to treasure. [sandara]

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Entry: FY8942a. Visitors to the Aether Sea can view creatures swimming through the air. Occasionally, the barrier between dimensions fades and the water manifests on our plane. Breathing apparatus should be carried at all times. [Shahab Alizadeh]

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Entry: GY9677b. Members of the Resin Guard fluent in sign language are requested for a diplomatic mission to make contact with a civilization on the outskirts of the Beyond. Those afraid of insects need not apply. [Mirco Paganessi]

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Entry: HY5621a. Risk: High. A colony has requested aid after being attacked by an ultraterrestrial creature. It thinks that cutting an organism or machine evenly will create two copies. Unfortunately, this is true of the creature. [Peter Mohrbacher]

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