For context I think Eddy is rly into music and sings to Nicole when she's restless or upset. I pictured him singing when the world caves in by Matt Maltese while drawing this 😭

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Meu nome é Thais Liveddy, sou artista (amadora) a pouco mais de um ano.
Costumo desenhar tradicionalmente, mas se necessário eu faço artes digitais tbm. Ainda estou aprendendo a desenhar então sejam bonzinhos ^^

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Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ here’s some of the best moments from Tchaikoveddy x Brett

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Um... I'm just going to say this once, and then return to my professional, yet slightly goofy, self... Ahem...
Ahem... Uh, Yes. Well. Veddy good. Carry on.

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I missed the August prompt for the stuff. I wanted to do Love/Treasure with and my idiots, Rhete'a and Khaji. Rhete loves to show off his boyfriend and loves him veddy much. When he sees Khaji's lil braid, Rhete gives him a cute bow.

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Have Nanri, my Draenei Paladin that has big enough Himbo energy that she got pulled in with the other Himbos. She is my loud Draebae.

And Dalanath, my fashionista Night Elf. He is dating a gremlin of an Elf and he loves him veddy much. He is veddy sweet.

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Like I need these eyeglasses a lot because they're exactly what I want for Veddy even if they look fuckin stupid

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